TECHKATHO Digital University

BBA in International Business Management

Validated and Conferred by

TECHKATHO Digital Campus

BBA in International Business Management

Validated and Conferred by

Myanmar - English

100 %
Assignment Based

Zoom + LMS
Learning Experience

Tuition Fees
Around 25 Lakhs

12 Months

Myanmar - English

100 %
Assignment Based

Zoom + LMS
Learning Experience

Tuition Fees
Around 30 Lakhs

12 Months


နိုင်ငံတကာစီးပွားရေး ဈေးကွက်ချဲ့ထွင်ရန် လိုအပ်သည့် ရေပြင်၊ မြေပြင်အနေအထားများ ယဉ်ကျေးမှုနှင့်လူမှုအဖွဲ့အစည်းဆိုင်ရာ ကွဲပြားမှုများကိုသင်ကြားရမည့် နိုင်ငံတကာစီးပွားရေး စီမံခန့်ခွဲမှု ပညာရပ်


B.B.A – First Year (Core Module)
8 Modules (48 Weeks)

Module Overview

Since the development of personal computer, most importantly invention of internet,
communication methods has changed significantly. This module prepares students to become
effective communicator. Students learn different communication methods using both verbal
and non-verbal communication. Topics covered include various communication methods as
well as how write resume, interviewing technique, research report, business plan and using
visual aids.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Use different communication methods effectively
▪ Understand technical, legal and ethical issues in regard to communication
▪ Become effective writer in business research and report writing, proposals, business
plans, and special reports and job search and resume

Module Overview

This module introduces business management principles and practices. It includes a study of
organizational theory, planning and control techniques, strategies of organization and control;
and the managerial decision-making processes. Contemporary studies that relate to
communication, motivation, leadership styles, and decision making are included.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Gain knowledge of managing an organization.
▪ Learn issues and practical techniques associated with effective practice of managing a
▪ Demonstrate clear understanding of managing functions – planning, leading, organising
and controlling
▪ Understand how to communicate, motivate and lead an organisation.

Module Overview

This module helps learners understand the basic principles of marketing, applications and
practices of these principles. It covers consumers and business markets, market research and
marketing, marketing mix, marketing strategies and learners will be able to outline an
organization’s marketing plan.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand the basic principles, theories and concepts of Marketing.
▪ Apply these principles and knowledge in cases and practical business situations.
▪ Integrate the marketing concepts and techniques learned through application in the
preparation of a comprehensive marketing plan.
▪ Analyse the components of the marketing mix and apply the components in making
marketing decisions.

Module Overview

This module will develop a learner’s understanding of accounting fundamentals and basic
financial statements. The students will learn theoretical foundation of financial accounting
concepts, principles and assumptions of an enterprise. The module prepares the student to
be capable of performing the different steps of the accounting cycle for service and
merchandising businesses.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand accounting in general
▪ Define accounting terms related to accounting, business management and finance.
▪ Identify the basics of financial accounting through the accounting cycle for
merchandising businesses operations.
▪ Explain the theoretical foundation of financial accounting concepts, principles and
assumptions and the financial statements of an organization

Module Overview

This module prepares students to address the concepts of personnel development as
managers. Students learn how human resource management functions from recruitment stage
to release of an employee from the organisation. Topics covered include personnel selection,
employee compensation, benefits, training, workplace diversity, discipline, employee rights,
health and safety, and HRM in small business.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Gain knowledge of contemporary issues and practical techniques associated with
effective practice of Human Resource Management
▪ Analyze Human Resource Management approaches to different functions of HRM
▪ Have a clear understanding of the specific functions and activities of Human Resource
Management in real life business environment

Module Overview

In this module, the students will learn the nature and environment of e-commerce, how to
develop, market, and implement e-commerce strategies. The students will be able to acquire
the skills in the field of electronic commerce and to keep them at the forefront of the global
digital economy.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Explain the concept of ecommerce and its revolution
▪ Understand the fundamental principles of E-commerce, models, strategies and
▪ Understand the basic requirements of launching a successful online business
▪ Explain key components of E-commerce models and social networks

Module Overview

This module provides an introduction to fundamental activities of economics such as
distribution, exchange, production, and consumption. It explains both microeconomics – the
analysis of choices made by individual decision-making units (households and firms) and
macroeconomics – the analysis of the economy as a whole.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Describe and explain how fundamental microeconomic models can be used to
consider economic choices of households and firms.
▪ Describe and explain how fundamental macroeconomic models can be used to analyse
the economy as a whole.
▪ Understand how government policy influences microeconomic choices and
macroeconomic outcomes.
▪ Interpret and use economic models to analyse economic situations

Module Overview

This module will help the student further gain the necessary skills to analyse financial
statements and begin to understand how to make sound financial plans and decisions by
determining which projects will offer the best potential returns, evaluating the best investment
opportunities and stock options

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand fundamental theories and concepts of finance
▪ Explain how to determine which projects have the best potential payoff and manage
▪ Understand how to use financial concepts such as the time value of money, return,
pro forma financial statements, financial ratio analysis, capital budgeting, capital
structure, and the cost of capital.
▪ This course will also provide an introduction to bonds and stocks. Upon completion of
this course, you will understand financial statements, cash flow, time value of money,
stocks and bonds, capital budgeting, ratio analysis, and long term financing, and apply
these concepts and skills in business decisions.

B.B.A – Second Year (Core Module)
8 Modules (48 Weeks)

Module Overview

This module takes a deeper look into accounting by diving deeper into financial statements
and accounting ratios. With the foundation gained in the Accounting Principles I, this module
integrates accounting principles and their applications to business objectives, and financial
statement preparation.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Recognize the elements of the financial statements.
▪ Prepare and interpret a Statement of Cash Flows.
▪ Account for investments in debt and equity securities using generally accepted
▪ Assess the financial position of an entity using various financial analysis tools.
▪ Demonstrate an understanding of management’s needs for accounting information
and be able to generate and interpret relevant data.

Module Overview

This module will enable learners to understand the managing intricacies of how to plan,
control, and organize international operations.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Develop an understanding of fundamental concepts of the production and operations
management and methods in any organization
▪ Demonstrate an understanding of productivity measures, quality and costs
▪ Use a variety of problem-solving techniques to aid in effective decision making in
production and service operations

Module Overview

This module provides students with an understanding of the definition and scope of
entrepreneurship and an understanding of the enablers and barriers to business start-up.
Students will learn about the influence of national economy on entrepreneurship and will
explore the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and the impact of personal situational
factors, including education and background. Students will also learn factors associated with
entrepreneurship such as budgeting, marketing and venture capital.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Gain knowledge of entrepreneurship, types and sizes of enterprises
▪ Understand mindset and characteristics of an entrepreneur
▪ Understand issues and practical techniques associated with entrepreneurship

Module Overview

This course develops awareness of sustainability in the business world and how each individual
company should do its part to contribute to the well-being of the environment.
Sustainable business practices are concerned with a firm’s actions to promote positive social,
environmental, and good governance outcomes. Sustainable design and approaches to
stakeholder engagement are part of sustainable business practices.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Describe the features of the global business environment influencing current thinking
on business-society and business-environment relationships.
▪ Recognise the interconnections between the economic, social, political and ecological
spheres of human activity.
▪ Outline the concepts and philosophies underpinning social and environmental
▪ Discuss contemporary arguments for corporate social and environmental

Module Overview

This module develops the learner’s ability to accurately construct, analyse, and interpret
financial reports. It provides the learner perspective on the role of accounting and financial
reporting in capturing and conveying economic information about an organisation.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Gain understanding of financial accounting techniques to exploring accounting and
financial theories underlying
▪ Apply the skills of financial analysis to realistic business situations
▪ Assess the quality of financial statement data for a firm

Module Overview

This module examines the behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations and the
structures and processes which shape this behavior and the work environment. OB is a subject
area that draws on several disciplines ranging from psychology to sociology. By studying OB
students will gain knowledge on how and why people behave the way they do in
organizations. This knowledge better equips students to manage others and one selves in the
work context.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand how Organisational Behavior help job satisfaction
▪ Apply how Organisational Behavior can shape right organisational culture
▪ Help in understanding the employee better and help to develop good leaders

Module Overview

This module shows the learner how to use business management technology software in the
business world. It will also introduce the learner to important information management
software and applications that are regularly used in business.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand fundamental features of information management software
▪ Use word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software (Microsoft Word, Excel,
and PowerPoint) for different purposes in business operations
▪ Create business documents by applying knowledge and skills of business applications

Module Overview

After completing this module, learners will possess the necessary skills to market products

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand the definition of culture in a marketing context
▪ Explain how cross-cultural considerations impact on marketing and marketing
▪ Evaluate the implications culture has for consumer preferences, marketing activities
and strategies

B.B.A – Third Year (Specializaion: International Business Management)
8 Modules (48 Weeks)

Module Overview

This module explores fundamental concepts of business on a global scale and develops the
learner’s understanding of the interdependent intricacies of international trade, politics, and
culture, and their impact on international business management.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Familiar with international business terms and concepts and underlying theories
▪ Identify the role and impact of political, economic, social and cultural factors in
international business.
▪ Analyze international business from a multi-centric perspective

Module Overview

International HRM is the study of the management of human resources in an international
context. The main objective of this module is to learn how to conduct strategic human
resource management in an international setting. This module focuses on the HR challenges
which affect or influence the success of the entire enterprise. Students will explore different
human resources functions from the international organisations point of view as well as the
theories and practices of international human resource management (IHRM).

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Identify and understand issues and practices pertaining to the major HRM functions
within the context of a multinational environment
▪ Differentiate between international HRM and domestic HRM
▪ Manage expatriates and understand repatriation processes
▪ Address issues and challenges of IHRM in 21st century

Module Overview

This module introduces students to the contemporary issues in business that illustrates the
challenges faced by managers and leaders in the global business environment and assist
students to develop understanding of business in global perspective. Topics covered included
different environments such as technology to legal and marketing and social environment
affecting international business.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand impact of international business
▪ Recognize the growth of global linkages today
▪ Appreciate the opportunities and challenges offered by international business
▪ Understand impact of foreign currency fluctuation on organisations and governments

Module Overview

International Economics is the module that explores why countries trade with each other,
who regulates trade, and how trade is conducted between countries.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand the key concepts and practical applications of international economics
and trade
▪ Explain links between trade, international finance, economic growth and globalisation
in world’s economies
▪ Explain the impact of the global economy on business conduct and performance as
well as the effects of business actions on the global economy;
▪ Explain how international economic theories have been shaped by real world events.

Module Overview

International Marketing is the application of marketing principles in multiple international
markets. This module, International Marketing, looks into the social, political, economic, and
environmental factor of marketing.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand key principles of international marketing
▪ Develop skills in researching and analyzing trends of modern marketing practices in in
global marketing environment
▪ Understand an organization’s ability to enter and compete in international markets.
▪ Apply marketing theories and concepts in global marketing environment

Module Overview

This module will look at the necessary strategies used to import and export goods, how to
properly document inbound and outbound products and to effectively use trade agreements
to the benefit of the company.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand the basic principles and nature of export‐import business in international
▪ Understand international trade regulations
▪ Familiarize with export-import procedures and documentation
▪ Apply export-import strategies for organizations
▪ Review different export import environments in different regions

Module Overview

Trade policies affect which country an international corporation can operate, and conduct
business. This module will help to develop a learner’s ability to assess the international trade

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand fundamental theories and applications of international trade and policy.
▪ Analyze the effects of changing trade barriers on factor returns, composition of
consumption and production, and welfare. Evaluate the incentives and welfare
consequences of offshoring.
▪ Use the standard models of international trade to interpret and analyze problems and
issues in international economics.

Module Overview

This module will allow the learner to demonstrate his/her knowledge of both theories and the
understanding of practical applications in International Business Management. By completing
the Capstone Project, learners will demonstrate their abilities to apply the necessary theories
in real-world applications.

Module Objectives

After completing this module, you should be able to:
▪ Understand fundamental theories and knowledge to apply in international business
management studies and projects
▪ Learn how to write effective, clear and well-organized proposals and projects
▪ Undertake an independent project work and complete it successfully
▪ Demonstrate integrated learning experience in coursework, independent research and
project writing skills
▪ Create a coherent and refined Capstone Project of scholarly and professional quality in
the area of specialised study.


ကျောင်းတက်ရောက်ရန်စိတ်ဝင်စားပါက ပေးပို့ရန်လိုအပ်သော စာရွက်စာတမ်းများမှာ အောက်ပါအတိုင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်။
  • BBA Application Form
  • NRC (Both Front Page & Back Page)
  • High School Completion Certificate & Transcript
  • CV or Resume
  • Photo (Width 35 mm x Height, 45 mm, Against White Background)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Family Registration Certificate
  • Online English Placement Test
Program Enquiry Form

သင့်နာမည် နှင့် ဖုန်းနံပါတ် ကို ချန်ထားခဲ့ပေးပါ။
TECHKATHO Digital Campus ​၏ Student Counselor မှ
ရုံးဖွင့်ရက် နောက်ထပ် ၂ ရက်အတွင်း ဆက်သွယ်ပေးသွားပါမယ်။


BBA ကျောင်းလျှောက်ထားခ (Application Fee) နှင့် ကျောင်းလခ (BBA Tuition Fee) အားပေးသွင်းနိင်ရန် TECHKATHO Digital University မှ
ဘဏ်အကောင့်များကို အောက်တွင် အသေးစိတ်ဖော်ပြပေးထားပါသည်။

ငွေပေးသွင်းနိင်သော Bank Account များ

Screenshot 2022-07-18 153400


European International University (EIU) – Paris သည် ပြင်သစ်နိုင်ငံ၊ ပါရီမြို့၊ 66 Avenue des Champs Elysées 75008 ၂၀၁၈ မေလ ၂၉ ရက်နေ့တွင် RCS အမှတ်: 839 980 851 R.C.S. ဖြင့် အောင်မြင်စွာမှတ်ပုံတင်ထားသော ကျောင်းတစ်ကျောင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်။
ပြင်သစ်နိုင်ငံ အခြေစိုက် European International University (EIU), Paris သည် ပြင်သစ်နိုင်ငံ အဆင့်မြင့် ပညာရေး ဝန်ကြီးဌာနမှ တရား၀င်အသိအမှတ်ပြုထားသည့် ကျောင်းတစ်ကျောင်း ဖြစ်ပါသည်။ ထို့အပြင် အောက်ပါ အစိုးရအဖွဲ့အစည်းများနှင့် ပုဂ္ဂလိက အဖွဲ့အစည်းများ၏ အသိအမှတ်ပြုမှုများ၊ Member များအဖြစ် ပါဝင်ထားသော ကျောင်းတစ်ကျောင်း ဖြစ်ပါသည်။
⦁ #55 Worlds Best Business School for 2023 by CEOWORLD Magazine
⦁ Accredited by ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities), United Kingdom Governments home office UK Boarder Agency
⦁ Accreditation Candidacy from ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs), USA
⦁ ATHEA (Association for Transnational Higher Education Accreditation), Austria
⦁ Cambridge International Academics, United Kingdom & Wales
⦁ ECBE (European Council for Business Education), Belgium
⦁ International Membership of Business Graduates Association, UK
⦁ QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) Star Rating, UK တို့မှ အသိအမှတ်ပြုမှုများရရှိထားသော ကျောင်းတစ်ကျောင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်။

European International University – Paris သည် ပြင်သစ်အမျိုးသားအဆင့် သင်ရိုးညွှန်းတမ်းများမှ ခွဲထွက်ကာပြင်သစ်အဆင်မြင့်ပညာရေး၀န်ကြီးဌာနမှ အသိအမှတ်ပြုထားသောသင်ရိုးများကို ပြင်သစ်ပြည်သူ့အဆင့်မြင့်ပညာရေးကဏ္ဍ၏ အရည်အသွေးအကဲဖြတ်မှုများအတိုင်း သင်ကြားပို့ချပေးလျက်ရှိပါသည်။
EIU – Paris သည် Technology ပေါ်တွင် ရင်းနှီးမြှပ်နှံမှုများစွာပြုလုပ်ထားပြီး ကျောင်းသူ၊ ကျောင်းသားများကို သမရိုးကျလေ့လာသင်ယူခြင်းမှ ခွဲထွက်ပြီး Quality Education ဖြစ်စေမည့် သင်ရိုးညွှန်းတမ်းများနှင့် Digital Technology ကို အခြေခံကာ ဖွဲ့စည်းတည်ထောင်ထားသော ကျောင်းတစ်ကျောင်း ဖြစ်ပါသည်။
European International University (EIU-Paris) နှင့် ပါတ်သက်ပြီး ပိုမိုလေ့လာသိရှိလိုပါက တွင် လေ့လာနိုင်ပါသည်။

ဘွဲ့လက်မှတ် နမူနာ

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No.51, Dana Aung Street, Thuwunna, Thingangyun Township, Yangon, Myanmar


09 444 79 4479
09 444 09 3050
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09 444 79 4479
09 444 09 3050
09 444 09 3060

Opening hours

Monday - Saturday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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